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Hall Effects – Recentering and Calibration

1 min read

Hall Effect Joystick Recentering Guide

Required Equipment

  • A PC or Laptop with internet access
  • A USB cable to connect the controller to the computer

Required Website


Recentering your sticks should be done as needed. To test if your joysticks need to be recentered, plug your controller into your PC/laptop and use the Gamepad Tester website provided. If the dot inside the circle looks to be off center, or if your AXIS readings read anything other than .00392 or .01176 your sticks need to be recentered. Picture below for reference.

NOTE: Some jittering is expected, Hall Effects modules are VERY sensitive and can be affected by different electronic equipment.

Step 1:

On your PC/Laptop open the website

Step 2:

Next, with the controller unplugged and off push up or forward on the left stick, holding it in this position. While holding the left stick forward plug the controller into your PC/laptop via USB cable. This has now enabled recentering mode.

Step 3:

Using the Gamepad Tester website, recenter the joystick by moving the dot back towards center of the axis using the joystick itself.

NOTE: While in recentering mode the joystick can move the dot up, down, left, or right, NOT in a diagonal. The value should read .00392 or .01176 on both Axis 0 and Axis 1 when perfectly centered.

Step 4:

Once your stick is centered, press in on the joystick (L3) to lock the centering in place. Picture from Gamepad tester website for reference.

Step 5:

Next unplug and re-plug your controller in, then using the Game Pad Tester website the Axis 0 & 1 should read .00392 and stick should be perfectly centered.

NOTE: Some jittering is expected, Hall Effects modules are VERY sensitive and can be affected by different electronic equipment.

Step 6:

Repeat steps 1–5 for your right stick. After this, both sticks will be recentered and ready to use.


Hall Effect Joystick Calibration Guide


Calibrating the Joysticks ensures accuracy and precision while gaming. Calibration should be done as needed.

Required Equipment

  • A PC or Laptop with internet access
  • A USB cable to connect the controller to the computer

Required Website

Step 1:

On your PC/Laptop, open the website

Step 2:

With your controller unplugged and off, press in on the joystick (L3 or R3). While continuing to press in, move the joystick up or forward, and then plug in your controller. This enters you into calibration mode.

Step 3:

Using the Gamepad Tester website and image below as a reference, move your stick towards the outer edge of the circle, ensuring it reaches a value of 1.0 for perfect recalibration.

Step 4:

Once you have reached a value of 1.0, press in on the joystick (L3 or R3) to lock in the value and disconnect your controller.

Step 5:

Repeat steps 1 – 4 for each direction (Up, Down, Left, Right) for each joystick. After this, your joysticks will be calibrated and ready to use.